mtxref_fic Apr 10, 2014 10:54
fandom: faerytales, rating: pg-13, fandom: yami no matsuei, fandom: the bible, fandom: death note, rating: pg, fandom: greek mythology, fandom: mythology
mtxref_fic Feb 10, 2014 02:38
comm: comment_fic, fandom: castle, fandom: rise of the guardians, rating: pg-13, fandom: yami no matsuei, fandom: doctor who, fandom: my little pony friendship is mag, fandom: death note, fandom: arthuriana, fandom: supernatural, fandom: neon genesis evangelion, fandom: mythology, fandom: greek mythology, rating: pg, rating: g
mtxref_fic Jun 11, 2011 19:05
genre: humor, fandom: mythology, fandom: norse mythology, rating: g